by oxoprowp | Mar 8, 2021
El Peso de la Manta Barcelona’s migrant street vendors have been criminalised and demonised, but now they’ve formed a union. United, can they defeat racism and police brutality? Trailer Watch full...
by oxoprowp | Mar 1, 2021
Life, Upcycled Environmentalism / Neurodiversity / Design (5min) A story of environmentalism, neurodiversity, cooperation, creativity, five men, and a big idea, all squeezed into a tiny woodwork...
by oxoprowp | Mar 1, 2021
Border & Promises Click video above to watch trailer Immigration / Unemployment (30min) Three arab women artists. divided by repression, patriarchy and borders not easily breached. United by creativity, energy, and hope. Now together for the first time,...
by oxoprowp | Mar 1, 2021
El Gurdwara Film available soon Sikh people believe that food and shelter must be offered to anyone entering their temples. In an impoverished neighbourhood in Barcelona, one congregation tries to keep feeding, sheltering, and believing, 24 hours a...
by oxoprowp | Mar 1, 2021
Paola de Grenet Full short film available to watch for free Photography (6min) A portrait of an artist finding beauty in the...